Image of computer keyboard

Bill Chandos

Web application developer with experience in API data integrations, full-stack Python, Javascript, and modern front-end frameworks. Over a decade of higher education experience.

Learn about what I do

Here is what I do.

Over a decade at the University of Oregon with progressive responsibilities and growth.

2019 +

Web Application Programmer

Maintain and develop case management web application for use by state agencies engaged in early intervention and special education services.

2014 - 2019

Operations Manager

Manage graduate programs operations at AACSB-accredited business college.

2010 - 2014

Projects Specialist

Support dean's office administration at art and architecture school.

Here are recent projects.

Click the image to see a demonstration page or screenshots. Click the title to see the GitHub repository.

Screenshot of data chart

Active Listings

A small website to show Active Listing data for real estate markets in graph form.

Preact JS logo Python programming language logo ChartJS logo

A kanban board

You Kan...ban!

A Kanban board web application. Authentication, lanes, cards, todos, drag-and-drop.

React JS logo Node JS logo Database logo
Demo offline while I find Heroku replacement.

An RSS feed reading web application

RSS Feed

RSS feed aggregator. Supports user authentication, bookmarking, and mark read functionality.

Python programming language logo Database logo
Demo offline while I find Heroku replacement.

A budget planning application

Budget Planner

Web app for tracking budgets. Multiple accounts; CSV imports; category tracking.

Vue JS logo Python programming language logo Vuetify logo Database logo
Demo offline while I find Heroku replacement.

A weather forecast app

Dope Weather

Weather forecast app. Pulls data from National Weather Service and has ZIP code lookup.

Vue JS logo Tailwind CSS logo

A terminal window showing a command line program output

Radius API

Python interface for the Radius CRM web services, used for college prospect and admissions management.

Python programming language logo A command line prompt logo

Let's work together.

Please contact me to discuss opportunities.

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